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How to Get Into Data Science with a Non-IT Background?

How to Get Into Data Science with a Non-IT Background?


This blog aims to debunk the myth that data science is only for those with an IT or CS background. It highlights the advantages that non-IT individuals bring to the field, such as domain expertise, communication skills, critical thinking, and fresh perspectives. The blog provides a roadmap for non-IT professionals to enter the data science industry, including building foundational knowledge, joining data science courses or independent learning, sharpening skills through practice, leveraging non-tech advantages, and continuous learning. Additionally, it offers advice on navigating the data science interview process and tailoring resumes and cover letters for data science positions.

Data Science is only for people who have IT or CS background. SAYS WHO?

The world of data science is booming, and with it comes the misconception that it's an exclusive club for tech wizards. 

But what if you have a passion for problem-solving, a curious mind, and a non-tech background? Buckle up, because this blog is going to destroy the myth that data science industry deserves only IT or CS guys and also tell you the advantages the non-IT guys carry.

Why are people running after data science?

Data science has become a hot pursuit due to a high demand for data expertise, high salary package and data driven decisions that can impact the entire business. 

Unique Advantages of a Non - IT Entering Data Science

Here are some unique advantages non-IT students can bring to the data science industry

Domain Expertise

  • Non-IT students often come with a deep understanding of a specific field, like history, psychology, or marketing.

  • This domain expertise allows them to ask insightful questions of the data relevant to their field and translate complex findings into actionable insights for that specific audience.

  • Example - A mechanical engineer entering data science could use their understanding of physics and mechanics to analyze sensor data from machines, predict potential failures, and optimize maintenance schedules.

From Logistics to Data Science: Karthik's Success Story 

Strong Communication Skills

  • Many non-IT fields, such as humanities and social sciences, emphasize clear and concise communication.

  • Data scientists need to be able to explain complex technical concepts to non-technical audiences.

  • Non-IT students often have a natural ability to communicate effectively, making them valuable assets in translating data insights into actionable stories for stakeholders.

From Answering Calls at a BPO to a Data Analyst at TekFriday 

Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving

  • Non-IT disciplines often train students to think critically, analyze information from various perspectives, and approach problems creatively.

  • These skills are essential for data science, where you need to identify patterns, ask the right questions, and develop innovative solutions based on data analysis.

Content Manager to Data Analyst with a 282% Salary Hike! 

Fresh Perspective

  • Coming from a non-IT background allows you to approach data analysis with a fresh perspective, free from preconceived notions within the field.

  • This can lead to innovative solutions and a deeper understanding of the data itself.

System engineer to a Successful Machine Learning Engineer 

Bridge Between Technical and Non-Technical Teams

  • With their combined understanding of data science concepts and a specific domain, non-IT data scientists can act as a bridge between technical teams and non-technical stakeholders.

  • They can translate technical jargon into understandable language and effectively communicate data insights to various audiences.

By leveraging these unique advantages, non-IT students can carve out a successful niche in the ever-growing field of data science.


Roadmap for Non - IT to Enter Data Science

The exciting world of data science may seem like a tech haven, but with the right roadmap, your non-IT background can become your secret weapon!

Here's a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the journey:

01: Building the Foundation

  • Conceptual Grasp: Dive into the fundamentals of data science. Explore online resources and introductory videos to understand how data is collected, analyzed, and transformed into valuable insights.

  • Data & Statistics Fundamentals: Data is the lifeblood of data science. Familiarize yourself with data cleaning, manipulation, and statistical techniques to uncover hidden patterns and trends. Resources like Khan Academy or online statistics courses can be a great starting point.

  • Embrace programming: Python is a popular choice for data science. Begin with beginner-friendly courses or tutorials to learn the basics of coding and data manipulation with Python libraries like Pandas and NumPy. 

02: Join a data science course or independent learning

In this step, you decide on your learning path. Here are two options:

Course: Consider enrolling in a data science course. They offer intensive programs designed to equip you with the necessary skills in a shorter timeframe. They typically cover programming, statistics, data analysis, and machine learning, often culminating in a capstone project.

  • Benefits: data science course provide a structured learning environment with mentorship and career support. They can be a great option for those who want to transition quickly into data science.

  • Drawbacks: A course may require a full-time commitment.

Independent Learning Path: If a course doesn't fit your learning style or schedule, you can continue learning independently. 

  • Benefits: Independent learning allows for flexibility and can be more cost-effective. You can tailor your learning path to your specific interests.

  • Drawbacks: Independent learning requires strong self-discipline and time management skills as there are too many learning resources out there. You will miss out on the structured guidance, industry SME mentorship and networking opportunities.

03: Sharpening Your Skills

  • Practice Makes Perfect: Public datasets on platforms like Kaggle provide a treasure trove for honing your newfound skills. Participate in data science competitions to test your abilities, learn from others, and build a portfolio.

  • Project Playground: Don't just play with pre-existing data! Leverage your unique non-IT background. Build personal projects that apply data science concepts to your field of interest. For example, an economist could analyze economic trends or a sociologist could use data to study social patterns.

  • Communication is key. Data visualization tools like Excel or Tableau will become your allies. Learn to translate complex findings into clear and compelling visuals, as communication is a vital skill in data science.

04: Leveraging Your Non-Tech Advantage

Here's where your non-IT background truly shines:.

  • Domain Expertise: You bring a deep understanding of a specific field, like engineering, history, phycology, or even literature. This allows you to think and interpret the findings with a unique perspective. You can bridge the gap between data and real-world applications, making your insights even more impactful.

  • Bridge Between Worlds: With your combined understanding of data science concepts and your specific domain, you can become a bridge between technical teams and non-technical stakeholders. Your ability to translate technical jargon and effectively communicate insights makes you a valuable asset.

05: Continuous Learning

Data science is a dynamic field that's constantly evolving. Stay updated by following industry trends through blogs like

Navigating the Data Revolution: Exploring the Booming Trends in Data Science and Machine Learning

Remember, your non-IT background is not a roadblock, but a stepping stone into the world of data science. With dedication, the right resources, and a willingness to learn, you can become a valuable asset in this ever-growing field. So, start the your journey now and join a data science course.


Successful Transition to Data Science from Non-ITCracking the Data Science Interview: A Non-IT Student's Guide

Landing a data science job might seem daunting for someone with a non-IT background, but fear not! Your unique skills can be a valuable asset.

Here's a guide to navigating the data science interview process:

Before the Interview

  • Highlight Your Transferable Skills: Focus on skills relevant to data science that your non-IT background has honed. This could include:

    Critical Thinking & Problem-Solving: Showcase your ability to analyze information, identify patterns, and develop solutions. Emphasize instances from your academic or professional experiences.

  • Communication Skills: Data scientists need to translate complex findings into understandable insights. Highlight your communication skills through presentations, research papers, or projects.

  • Domain Expertise: Your non-IT background can be a goldmine! Explain how your specific knowledge can inform data analysis and lead to impactful results relevant to your field.

  • Research the Company & Role:  Understanding the company's data focus and the specific role is crucial. Tailor your responses and highlight skills relevant to their needs.

  • Brush Up on Fundamentals: While you may not be a coding expert, demonstrate basic knowledge of statistics, data analysis techniques, and common data science tools like Python (even if beginner level). Online resources and tutorials can help.

  • Practice Makes Perfect:  Prepare for common data science interview questions. Sites like Kaggle or LeetCode offer practice problems and sample interview questions.

During the Interview

  • Confidence is Key: Even if you're nervous, project confidence in your abilities and your desire to learn.

  • Focus on Your Story: Weave a compelling narrative that showcases your transferable skills and passion for data science. Use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to structure your responses, highlighting specific achievements related to problem-solving and data analysis.

  • Ask Smart Questions: Prepare insightful questions about the company's data projects, team structure, and the role's specific challenges. This demonstrates your genuine interest and initiative.

  • Be Honest About Your Skills: Don't try to bluff your way through technical questions. Be upfront about your learning stage and emphasize your eagerness to learn and grow within the role.

  • Leverage Your Non-IT Background: Emphasize how your unique perspective can benefit the team. 


  • Your non-IT background is an asset, not a barrier! Focus on your transferable skills and eagerness to learn.

  • Be confident, tell your data-driven story, and showcase your genuine interest in the field.

  • Highlight how your unique perspective can benefit the team.

Non - IT Resume for Data Science Jobs

Tailoring your resume and cover letter for data science positions as a non-IT person involves highlighting your transferable skills, relevant experiences, and your enthusiasm for the field.

Here's how you can do it effectively:



  • Start your resume with a compelling professional summary or objective that emphasizes your interest in transitioning into data science and highlights your relevant skills and experiences.

Skills Section

  • Create a skills section that showcases your transferable skills relevant to data science, such as analytical skills, problem-solving abilities, critical thinking, and proficiency in relevant software tools.

  • Highlight any technical skills you have acquired, such as proficiency in programming languages (Python, R), statistical analysis, or familiarity with data visualization tools.

Experience Section

  • Focus on your previous roles and experiences that demonstrate your analytical abilities, data-driven decision-making, and problem-solving skills.

  • Highlight any projects or initiatives where you worked with data, conducted analyses, or utilized statistical methods to derive insights.


  • Emphasize your education.

  • Highlight any relevant courses, projects, or certifications related to data science, even if they were pursued outside of a formal IT program.

Cover Letter

Start your cover letter with a brief introduction that explains your interest in transitioning into data science and why you're excited about the opportunity.

Highlight any relevant experiences or skills that demonstrate your suitability for the position.

Highlight Transferable Skills

  • Use the body of your cover letter to elaborate on your transferable skills and how they align with the requirements of the data science role.

  • Provide specific examples from your past experiences that illustrate your ability to analyze data, solve complex problems, and work with quantitative information.

Demonstrate Enthusiasm and Learning Potential

  • Express your enthusiasm for data science and your eagerness to learn and develop new skills in the field.

  • Mention any steps you've taken to upskill or educate yourself in data science, such as online courses, self-study, or participation in relevant projects or competitions.


  • Conclude your cover letter by summarizing why you're a strong candidate for the position and reiterating your enthusiasm for the opportunity.

  • Thank the employer for considering your application and express your willingness to discuss your qualifications further in an interview.

By tailoring your resume and cover letter to highlight your relevant skills, experiences, and enthusiasm for data science, you can effectively position yourself as a strong candidate for data science positions, even as a non-IT person.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on Data Science

OdinSchool | FAQ

Q1: Is it too late to switch careers into data science?

It's never too late to switch to data science! The field is booming, and there's a demand for diverse skill sets. Plus, there are plenty of resources available to learn, and transferable skills from other fields can be valuable. The best example is that of Subramanian, who rebooted his career with data science at the age of 38.

Q2: Is data science a good career?

Yes, data science is widely considered to be a good career choice for several reasons:

  1. High Demand: There's a rapidly growing demand for data scientists across various industries, driven by the increasing volume and complexity of data being generated.

  2. Lucrative Salaries: Data scientists often command high salaries due to their specialized skills and the value they bring to businesses through data-driven insights.

  3. Diverse Opportunities: Data science offers a wide range of career opportunities, including roles in data analysis, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and more, across different industries such as finance, healthcare, e-commerce, and technology.

  4. Intellectual Stimulation: Data science involves solving complex problems and extracting meaningful insights from data, making it intellectually stimulating and rewarding for individuals who enjoy analytical challenges.

  5. Continuous Innovation: The field of data science is constantly evolving, with new techniques, tools, and technologies emerging regularly. This dynamic environment provides opportunities for continuous learning and professional growth.

  6. Impactful Work: Data science enables organizations to make data-driven decisions that can have a significant impact on business outcomes, societal issues, and scientific advancements.

Q3: Does data science require coding?

While coding is a significant aspect of data science, individuals with varying levels of programming experience can learn and excel in the field with dedication and practice. In this context, the best example is Kriti who ended-up byhearting HTML instead of Python just because someone advised that Python is necessary for data science.

Q4: What can I expect in a data science job interview?

data science job interviews are designed to evaluate your technical skills, problem-solving abilities, communication skills, and fit with the company culture. Behavioural questions are not be neglected. Naga Lakshmi who had a 11-year career gap could crack PepsiCo interview mostly due to her preparation with behavioral questions

Q5: How can I build a portfolio of data science projects without experience?

To build a portfolio of data science projects without experience:

  1. Start with small, manageable projects.

  2. Utilize publicly available datasets from platforms like Kaggle.

  3. Follow tutorials and guides to learn new techniques.

  4. Reproduce existing analyses to gain insights.

  5. Document your process and showcase your projects online.

Q6: How important is practical experience in data science?

Practical experience plays a vital role in developing the skills, knowledge, and confidence needed to succeed in data science roles. Whether through internships, personal projects, Kaggle competitions, or industry collaborations, gaining hands-on experience is essential for aspiring data scientists.


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About the Author

Mechanical engineer turned wordsmith, Pratyusha, holds an MSIT from IIIT, seamlessly blending technical prowess with creative flair in her content writing. By day, she navigates complex topics with precision; by night, she's a mom on a mission, juggling bedtime stories and brainstorming sessions with equal delight.

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