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Why Big Data Is The New Competitive Advantage

Why Big Data Is The New Competitive Advantage


Big Data is revolutionizing industries by transforming data into valuable insights and economic growth. It has become an essential component of the modern economy, enabling firms to enhance productivity, reduce waste, and gain a competitive edge. Leading companies are utilizing Big Data for innovation and strategic decision-making. By leveraging detailed and accurate information through sophisticated analytics, businesses tailor products and services, while governments enhance revenue collection and fraud prevention. Big Data not only benefits organizations but also consumers who capture significant value from its applications, making it a key driver of economic growth.

Big Data—the new thing that sees some companies leapfrog to success is a revolutionary technological trend that always manages to find its case.
Until now, the massive torrent of data flooding the virtual space probably excited just a few data geeks. However, now we find ourselves at an inflection point. In the competitive scenario, the deluge of Big Data that is stored and mined for insights is fast making a positive impact (and becoming economically relevant) on government operations, businesses, and consumers alike.

Big Data and its Role in Today’s Economy

In the ever-expanding global economy that we are a part of today, data is being woven into every function and sector. Like human capital, hard assets, and all other crucial factors of production, a greater percentage of modern economic activity fails to take place without the same.
When it comes to real-time usage, Big Data—huge data pools that are capable of being brought together for analysis, discerning patterns, and making better decisions—is all set to become the basis of growth and competition for individual firms. It enhances productivity and creates significant value for the overall economy by increasing the quality of services and products, along with bringing about reductions in waste (also consider checking out this perfect parcel of information for a data science degree).
The current trends of IT innovation and investment, along with their impact on profitability and competitiveness with regards to the adoption of Big Data technology, are leading to complementary management innovations and advanced analytic capabilities for large and small-sized businesses. In the present scenario, all companies have to understand the worth of Big Data’s potential and create serious value, especially if they wish to compete. For instance, certain retailers using Big Data are looking forward to increasing their operating margins by over 60 percent!

Big Data: Creator of Competitive Advantage

Big Data is fast becoming a crucial means for all leading companies desirous of outperforming their peers. In most industry verticals, new entrants and established competitors are leveraging data-driven strategies for innovating, competing and capturing value. While early adopters are using data for placing them ahead in the race, others are concentrating on the design of their future products and new service offerings.
Big Data is fueling better growth opportunities and aiding those companies that are aggregating and analyzing varied industry data. Many of these companies are now sitting on large information flows where datasets about suppliers, products, intent and consumer preferences are being easily captured and analyzed. This is the reason why forward-thinking leaders in all sectors should look towards building their Big Data capabilities and in aggressive ways.
Along with leveraging the sheer volumes of Big Data, businesses need to consider its real-time, high-frequency nature too. Given below are some broadly applicable means of exploiting Big Data to gain that much needed competitive advantage.

Big Data Unlocks Essential Value via Transparent Information

In spite of the heavy influx of digitization, there remains a significant amount of reliable information that remains to be captured; for instance, data present on paper, in non-accessible physical places, and that which is incapable of being searched through networks. As per findings, knowledge workgroups involved in such data search and transfer are losing out on 25 percent of their efforts due to significant sources of inefficiency.

Allows for More Detailed and Accurate Information

With organizations creating and storing their data in reliable digitized forms, more accurate and comprehensive performance information on just about everything is now exposing variability options and boosting overall performance levels. In fact, certain leading companies are collecting and analyzing Big Data for conducting controlled experiments and making better management decisions too.

Sophisticated Analytics for Improved Decision Making

Big Data allows valuable customers with direct access to more precisely tailored services or products. This in turn, paves the ground for sophisticated analytics that substantially improves upon the process of decision-making, minimizes risks, and help in unearthing valuable insights which would otherwise remain concealed.

Big Data is Useful for Developing Next-generation Products and Services

All in all, the value generated by Big Data applications cannot be debated (also consider checking out this career guide for data science jobs). For instance, manufacturers are adding value to the data obtained from the embedded sensors in products, especially for creating innovative after-sales services such as essential and proactive maintenance features for avoiding failures in their new products. Likewise, along with boosting the collection of their tax revenues, government authorities are relying on advanced analytic tools for reducing fraud and compliance errors.

Big Data: Something for Everyone

It’s not only companies and organizations that are leveraging the value created by Big Data. Consumers are capable of reaping significantly high benefits too. For example, users of services provided by personal-location data are capturing over $600 Billion in the form of consumer surplus!
As long as governments and companies understand the potential of Big Data with regards to delivering higher productivity and better value for consumers, they can participate in this next growth wave linked to global economy. By taking some firmer steps towards successful Big Data implementation, they will be able to unleash higher efficiency levels for enabling better services, improvised management of constrained fiscal times, incorporation of  a higher productivity quotient, and of course, brand new levels of competitiveness.
Go for it!


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About the Author

Meet Melissa, a talented writer who enjoys baking and taking pictures in addition to contributing insightful articles. She contributes a plethora of knowledge to our blog with years of experience and skill.

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