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How to Become a Data Scientist in 2020 | Data Science

How to Become a Data Scientist in 2020 | Data Science

Data science has rapidly become a popular career choice in recent times. Data science is a multidisciplinary domain which means people from different backgrounds can take it up as a career (Here's the perfect parcel of information to learn data science). But how does one go about becoming a good Data Scientist?


Key takeaways from the session:

 1. What skills are needed to be a Data Scientist?

 2. How much effort and time is required to acquire these skills?

 3. What are the prerequisites?

 4. Where can you acquire these skills?


Data science bootcamp

About the Author

Meet Rajeev Kumar, a talented writer who enjoys baking and taking pictures in addition to contributing insightful articles. He contributes a plethora of knowledge to our blog with years of experience and skill.

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