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Top 3 Agile Software Development Methods |Project Management

Top 3 Agile Software Development Methods |Project Management


Agile software development, highly popular yet challenging in method selection, offers three top methodologies: Scrum for task-focused teams, Dynamic System Development Method (DSDM) for time-sensitive projects, and Extreme Programming (XP) for iterative coding. Agile Model Driven Development (AMDD) merges Agile and model-driven tactics, while final testing ensures project readiness akin to Scrum's "Stabilization Sprint."

Agile software development methods have been in the rage since 2001. A big hit in the current scenario as well, there are so many different kinds of Agile methods that developers often face harsh challenges while selecting the right method for their software. The best way of selecting the most effective option is by going through the pros and cons of these top 3 Agile methodologies:


This method was developed by Jeff Sutherland and Ken Schwaber and involves working in one or more small teams comprising of a Scrum Master, a product owner, and a development team. They all work in line with a pre-defined list that is arranged according to priority. These aspects of an Agile environment divide the work on the basis of those which can be completed in a short time span and those which require 2-4weeks to develop. Though this method is considered to be one of the most effective ones on the block, the problem with it is that programmers have to integrate other methods to provide cover for the additional practices that fall outside of Agile SCRUM.

Dynamic System Development Method (DSDM)

DSDM is an Agile method that has many variations, the most popular being the Atern method. It focuses on projects which have tight budgets and time schedules. The eight main principles followed by this method are:

  • Focusing on the essential needs of the business.
  • Delivering work on time.
  • Collaborating more effectively.
  • No compromises on the quality of outputs.
  • A solid foundation for all attributes of the project.
  • Free and clear communication between all the members of the organization.
  • Demonstrated control and more transparent processes.
  • Iterative development of the project.

Extreme Programming (XP)

The method followed by XP shares some similarities with SCRUM. Developed by Kent Beck, XP uses short development cycles across the complete process. Here, the project cost gets cut down when compared to other lengthy methods and processes. It also helps in maintaining the dynamic nature of a project, thereby making it more adaptable. The four steps followed by XP are:

  • Coding- This is where the program or the software gets coded in reality.
  • Testing- The coded product gets tested to ensure its functioning ability.
  • Listening- This is the stage where the program developers listen and acknowledge suggestions, opinions, and needs that are pointed out by the client; after the product is tested.
  • Designing – This is where programmers and developers design the logic behind a system based on the experiences gathered from the first three activities.

This Agile software development methodology is used widely and is very popular among programmers and developers for its non-restrictive nature. But then, it is not advisable to use this method in every case as it doesn’t come with proper planning and lacks a solid structure.

Agile Model Driven Development (AMDD)

Both model-driven and Agile development procedures have significantly raised software development practices' productivity and predictability quotients. Agile Model Driven Development or AMDD is an attempt to merge both these technologies to get better outputs. It effectively combines the fast pace of Agile development with the guaranteed quality of model-driven technology so as to provide outputs of the best standard. Till now, from the very few researches that have been made to examine the merits and demerits of AMDD, a noticeable disparity has been indicated between the compared processes. This signifies the point that AMDD concepts are not very fanciful and can be implemented with ease.

Final Testing

Final testing needs to be conducted before the release of an Agile project. SCRUM, which defines the very idea of “Stabilization Sprint”, is useful for ensuring that the product is ready to be released. So, when the developer thinks that it is necessary to conduct tests, he must take all possible precautions to avoid the risks that may occur in the process.


Choosing the right method could be of big help in ensuring that your Agile Software is developed properly and performs in the way it is desired to work.

All the best!



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