Let's make learning Statistics fun for you!


Rarely do we come across something we can label as a Universal skill. Reading, writing, cooking, swimming, and driving are good examples of universal skills. Anyone can learn these, and it's never too late to pursue them.

We sincerely believe Statistics, the skill, is ready to be included in the list of universal skills.


Welcome to your Statistics learning journey!

Far too many brave hearts have dropped their defenses when faced with this dreaded word - 'Statistics'.

We can't blame them alone for this.

Learning can be painful, more so with Statistics.

It's our mission to de-demonize Statistics and brings the glory back to brave hearts.

This interactive guide is designed to bring the friendly side of stats to the fore. You will find it useful whether you are a beginner or an intermediate user of statistics.

Use this guide as a partner in your crime as you take on life-changing endeavors and in daily life as you see the need. Find some areas to apply what you learn here, and you are on your way to becoming a stats geek!

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Why learn Statistics?

The world of statistics is diverse in its applications. From COVID research to space science and to financial markets, statistics find their applications in every field of research. More visible are their applications in the areas of product development, market research, operations, and quality, among others.

In this age of data-driven decision-making, statistics happens to be a core skill that every decision-maker and researcher has to master.
