Constructor in Java

Constructor in Java

Lesson 14: Constructor


A constructor in Java is a special method that is automatically called when an object of a class is created. Its primary purpose is to initialize the newly created object. Constructors have the same name as the class and do not have a return type, not even `void`. Here's a basic example of a constructor:



public class MyClass {

    int x;


    // Constructor for MyClass

    public MyClass() {

        x = 5;  // Set the initial value for the class attribute x




In this example, the constructor `MyClass()` initializes the attribute `x` to the value `5` when an object of `MyClass` is created.

 Why Constructors Matter


  • Initialization: Constructors allow you to initialize the state of objects, ensuring that they are in a valid state upon creation.
  • Encapsulation: Constructors can be used to encapsulate the initialization logic, making it easier to maintain and understand the code.
  • Object Creation: Constructors facilitate the creation of objects by providing a mechanism to set initial values for object attributes.


 Lesson 15: Types of Constructors


Java supports two types of constructors: default (no-arg) constructor and parameterized constructor.


 Default Constructor


A default constructor is a constructor that does not take any arguments. If you do not define any constructors for a class, Java automatically provides a default constructor. Here's an example:



public class Person {

    String name;


    // Default constructor

    public Person() {

        name = "John Doe";




 Parameterized Constructor


A parameterized constructor is a constructor that takes one or more parameters. It allows you to initialize object attributes with values provided at the time of object creation. Here's an example:



public class Person {

    String name;


    // Parameterized constructor

    public Person(String n) {

        name = n;





Parameterized constructors provide flexibility in initializing objects with different values based on the requirements.


 Choosing the Right Constructor


- Default Constructor: Use when the object can be initialized with default values.

- Parameterized Constructor: Use when specific initialization values need to be provided during object creation.


 Lesson 16: Keyword


The `this` keyword in Java is used to refer to the current object within a method or constructor. It is particularly useful when there is a need to disambiguate between class attributes and method parameters or local variables.


 Usage of `this` Keyword


In constructors, the `this` keyword can be used to refer to the current object's attributes. This helps differentiate between the attributes of the current object and the parameters passed to the constructor. Here's an example:



public class Car {

    int modelYear;

    String modelName;


    // Parameterized constructor

    public Car(int year, String name) {

        this.modelYear = year;

        this.modelName = name;





In this example, `this.modelYear` and `this.modelName` refer to the attributes of the current `Car` object, while `year` and `name` are the parameters passed to the constructor.


 Benefits of Using `this` Keyword


  • Clarity: Using `this` makes the code more readable by clearly indicating that the variable belongs to the current object.
  • Avoiding Name Conflicts: It helps avoid naming conflicts between local variables and class attributes.
  • Self-Reference: `this` allows methods to refer to themselves or invoke other methods on the current object.



Constructors are the gateway to object initialization in Java. They provide a mechanism to set initial values and ensure that objects are in a valid state upon creation. Understanding the different types of constructors and the usage of the `this` keyword is essential for writing clean, maintainable, and efficient Java code. As you continue your Java programming journey, leverage constructors effectively to create robust and scalable applications. Stay tuned for more advanced topics in our Java programming series!