OdinSchool OdinSchool
Chirag Goel

Chirag Goel

Senior Software Engineer at Microsoft

Microsoft Individual 200X80

Worked with -

Flipkart 200x80 grid
Moengage 200x80 grid

Masterclass Details-

March 25, 2023

12:00 PM 3:00 PM

Learn to build an E-Commerce Site with React  

  • Learn to build cross-platform apps using React Js from scratch
  • Learn how to integrate the back-end APIs with React UI
  • Understand how to break down complex problem statements

Senior Software Engineer at Microsoft | Technical Speaker

Chirag Goel is an experienced Full Stack Trainer with a proven experience in the corporate and educational sectors. He has previously worked for top-tier organizations such as Flipkart and MoEngage Inc. He is currently working as a Senior Software Developer at Microsoft. Chirag talks about Web Development, System Design, and Interview Preparation, that can assist people in advancing their careers in Front-end Development.

Chirag Goel

ChiragGoel ChiragGoel

Who is this masterclass for?

Full Stack developer aspirants

Full Stack enthusiasts

Professionals who want to switch to Full Stack developer role



Interact with a seasoned Full Stack Developer

Get dataset files and program code on GitHub

Understand the basic JavaScript concepts

Discover React library


The Full Stack Masterclass is for Full Stack aspirants, software development enthusiasts, students, and professionals who want to switch to Full Stack Development.

The registration process is easy! On the Full Stack Masterclass page, click on the Register Button. Fill in the name, email, contact information, and year of graduation in the registration form and submit.

No, there is no registration fee. The Masterclass is free-of-cost.

The Full Stack Masterclass will be conducted on GoToWebinar. After you submit the registration form, our team will share the link to attend the class.

If you love the free session and would like to enter the world of Software Development, join our job-oriented Full Stack Development Bootcamp. The outcome is a job in Full Stack Software Development; this is facilitated by OdinSchool’s dedicated placement support. We partner with 500+ companies that hire our graduates.