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Big Data Analytics: Enhancing The Value Of Technology |Big Data

Big Data Analytics: Enhancing The Value Of Technology |Big Data


Big data analytics is reshaping organizational operations through insights gleaned from technology trends. Wearables, IoT, and hyper-connectivity are revolutionizing interactions between people and smart devices, generating data for marketers to enhance customer experiences. Social media contributes substantial unstructured data that informs purchase patterns and trends. Cloud mobility and computing facilitate seamless data exchange. The convergence of these trends revolves around data, enabling marketers to tailor strategies with precision, enriching customer engagement and transforming business paradigms. The data-driven future promises continued advancements and opportunities.

Big data analytics and processes are bringing about a paradigm shift in the ways in which organizations are going about their day-to-day operations. Smarter, better, and far more innovative than their traditional counterparts, big data-linked operations are certainly the way to go.
In the contemporary scenario beset with technology, we are forever discussing and debating the Internet of cloud, wearables, mobility, and just about every other tech trend that enhances the value of marketers. And why not? Today, trends and gadgets are bringing about a paradigm shift in the ways in which we are connecting, communicating, marketing products, and engaging with our customers and employers.
But then, even as we go on talking about innovative technologies, we end up overlooking the fact that merely technology-based inputs are not driving this revolution; the insights and data created by the same play an equally important role too. The ever-increasing deluge of data helps us understand all that interests people or motivates them to engage with specific brands in better ways. Additionally, this data influences us to make new products that align with the tastes and preferences of our target audience.
Read on for how available analytics and data underline the value of technology that has managed to obsess us largely.

Role of the Trends in Wearables and Internet of Things (IoT)

As far as the hottest trends in IT, enterprise, and communication landscapes are concerned, there are very few things that dominate the market as wearable and IoT technologies do. We require smarter homes, smarter gadgets, and smarter offices —basically a world where each and everything “knows” us. We desire to exchange the available knowledge with smart devices and sensors that help us develop an ecosystem pertaining to hyper-connectivity or the IoT.
For instance, after a long day at work, a corporate employee would love to have his smart band notice and offer directions to the closest snack bar. He would probably want a voice-activated mobile application to preorder drinks and meals even while driving and thereafter deliver a smart notification when the order is ready for pickup. Well, all this may sound too good to be true at this stage, but with smart devices learning more and more about our preferences and needs, the day is not far when they will start generating data to involve marketers and help them serve their valuable customers in better ways. Smart vending machines, beacons at retail stores, and data sensing devices are now being equipped to allow compelling business benefits via real-time data, along with offering customers what they want, giving us a win-win situation.

Social Media and Big data Analytics

One of the biggest donors attributed to the ever-increasing volumes of big data is obviously social media. Unstructured in most cases, the increasing masses of data generated by social media interactions are growing every minute. Virtually a goldmine of essential business information, social media is now impacting purchase patterns, customer behavior, and customer satisfaction in more ways than one. Also, social media platform serves as a reliable indicator of all upcoming trends. Here, it becomes important to note that big data analytics are going a long way in helping us get further insights into how customers are engaging with different brands and their competitors alike.

Enhanced Value through Cloud Mobility and Computing

Mobility and Technology linked with the cloud are the dual waves sweeping across the current technology landscape. They are transforming the ways in which we market and do business. Fast serving as a ubiquitous data storehouse, the cloud has made on-premise storage take a backseat. Alongside, mobility, irrespective of location and time, is bringing about improvements in collaboration and connectivity among enterprises, facilitating the seamless exchange of big data solutions.

The Last Word

The major technologies mentioned above intersect at one single point—data. A deeper proliferation of these tech trends is simplifying the lives of people and impacting the ways in which they communicate. By leveraging the benefits of big data analytics, marketers are using their consistent abilities for measuring and monitoring data and allied behavioral trends linked with these technologies, thus providing valuable insights for tailoring marketing strategies for different categories of customers.
One of the most thrilling features of current-day technology is the way in which we are being able to accumulate data from our boardrooms, offices, cars, homes, and coffee shops alike. With our abilities to collect and analyze data becoming more sophisticated, there is surely a lot more in store.
Gear up for a great big data analytics future……….you will not regret the change!


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