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Web Development Salary in India – 2024 (Freshers & Experienced)

Web Development Salary in India – 2024 (Freshers & Experienced)


Booming with opportunity, web development in India offers a lucrative and future-proof career. As businesses flock online, the demand for skilled developers skyrockets, with salaries for experienced professionals reaching over ₹1 million. This captivating field blends art and technology, crafting captivating websites while mastering coding like HTML, CSS, and back-end languages. But it's more than just tech chops - communication, teamwork, and adaptability are key to thriving in this dynamic landscape. From mobile-first design to AI-powered experiences, the future of web development is brimming with innovation, and India's developers are poised to lead the way. So, if you're seeking a challenge and a rewarding career, dive into the exciting world of web development. 

Most businesses are targeting their audience on the internet, leading to a surge of opportunities in the web development industry. Notably, the web development salary in India is highly commendable.

The prospects for a career in web development continue to expand, showing no signs of saturation. Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows a robust 23% growth projection for web development jobs through 2031.

global web development market

What is Web Development?

Web development is the art of crafting and maintaining captivating websites and web applications that thrive on the vast expanse of the internet. This process involves two key components: the front end and the back end.

The front end is the mesmerizing interface that greets and engages users, boasting an array of enticing layouts, vibrant colours, user-friendly buttons, and captivating images. On the contrary, the back end remains hidden, working tirelessly behind the curtains to handle intricate tasks such as logic implementation, data management, and seamless communication.

Who is a Web Developer?

The brains behind the design and development of websites are web developers. Their crucial responsibility is to guarantee that a website operates smoothly and effectively in addition to having an eye-catching design.

What are Web Developer Roles and Responsibilities

The typical key responsibilities of a web developer are,

  1. Designing, constructing, or maintaining website applications.

  2. Creating website layouts and building user interfaces using standard HTML/CSS techniques.

  3. Prioritizing clear communication with the team to resolve conflicts and ensure smooth work processes quickly.

  4. Taking charge of maintaining, expanding, and enhancing the website’s capabilities.

  5. Collaborating with web designers to bring visual design concepts to life.

  6. keeping up with the most recent developments in web development by participating in conferences, seminars, talks, and innovation studies.

  7. Thoroughly testing and validating your code to ensure it works seamlessly across various browsers and devices.

  8. Actively seeking customer feedback and addressing problems to achieve substantial outcomes.

  9. Keeping abreast of emerging technologies and industry trends to better understand user requirements.

  10. Creating backups of website files in local directories for emergency recovery.

Top Skills for a Web Developer

Top Skills for a Web Developer

When it comes to web development, the "top" skills can vary slightly depending on the specific role and the technology stack involved. However, some core skills remain crucial for success across the board. Here's a breakdown of the top 5 essential skills for a web developer in 2024:

Front-End Development

  • HTML, CSS, and JavaScript: These are the fundamental building blocks of any website. Mastering them allows you to create the structure, style, and interactivity of web pages.

  • JavaScript Frameworks: Libraries like React, Vue.js, and AngularJS can significantly increase your development speed and efficiency. Choose one based on your project needs and preferences.

Back-End Development

  • Server-Side Languages: Languages like Python, PHP, Java, or Ruby on Rails power the logic behind websites and applications. Choose one based on your project requirements and career aspirations.

  • Databases: Knowledge of relational databases like MySQL or PostgreSQL is essential for storing and managing website data.

Version Control and Collaboration

  • Git: This version control system allows you to track changes to your code and collaborate effectively with other developers.

  • Collaboration Tools: Platforms like GitHub, Slack, and Trello facilitate communication and project management within development teams.

Soft Skills

  • Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking: Web development is full of challenges. The ability to analyze problems, identify solutions, and think critically is essential.

  • Communication and Teamwork: Effective communication with clients, designers, and other developers is crucial for project success.

  • Adaptability and Continuous Learning: The tech landscape constantly evolves. Staying updated with new technologies and adapting to changing demands is key.

Mandatory Skills

  • Responsive Design: The ability to create websites that adapt to different screen sizes and devices is essential in the mobile-first era.

  • SEO: Understanding search engine optimization principles helps websites rank higher in search results.

  • Security Awareness: Building secure websites and applications is critical to protect user data and website integrity.

Remember, the specific skills you need will depend on your career goals and the type of web development you want to pursue. However, mastering the core skills mentioned above will give you a solid foundation for success in this exciting field.

Web Development Salary in India

Creating a successful website involves many processes, from design and implementation to development, testing, and deployment. Each step requires the expertise of individuals with diverse skill sets and knowledge.

Web development salary in India varies based on several factors, such as location, experience, and skill set. (below data is obtained from payscale.com)

web developer salary

Web Development Salary in India: Based on Location

Web development salary is often influenced by location. Hyderabad, Banglore and Mumbai have higher demands for web development jobs.

Web Development Salary in India: Based on Location

Web Developer Salary in India: Based on Experience

The salary of a web developer varies based on their level of experience. (Source - payscale)

Entry-Level Web Developer Salary in India

web developer salary in india entry level

Mid-Level Web Developer Salary in India

The average mid-level web developer salary in India is ₹589,443

mid level web developer salary

Experienced Web Developer Salary in India

The average experienced web developer salary in India is ₹1,006,429

senior level web developer salary

What are the current opportunities?

There are about 3400 front-end developer jobs only in Hyderabad. Just imagine the demand at the national level.

naukri job opportunities for front end developer


If there are about 4707 back-end development jobs only in Hyderabad. It's a crazy number at the Indian level.

naukri job opportunities for back end developer


Trends Affecting Future Pay for Web Developers

Dominating Web Development Trends


As the digital world continues to change, there is a growing demand for qualified web developers in India. The rise in demand among other industry and technological elements will determine the nation's future web development salary.

The field of web development is dynamic and constantly evolving. Here are the top 5 Web Development Trends in India. There are many more, and you can read them here.

  1. Mobile-First Mindset: With over 80% of Indians accessing the internet through smartphones, websites must be optimized for mobile first. This means responsive design, fast loading times, and intuitive touch-friendly interfaces. 

  2. AI and Machine Learning Integration: Websites are getting smarter with AI-powered chatbots offering 24/7 support and ML algorithms personalizing user experiences. Expect to see websites that learn and adapt to user behaviour.

  3. Serverless Architecture: Ditch the heavy infrastructure! Serverless architecture allows developers to build and deploy applications without managing servers. This translates to reduced costs, increased scalability, and faster development cycles.

  4. Focus on User Experience (UX): It's all about the user! Websites that are intuitive, visually appealing, and easy to navigate will win over users. User-centred design principles are crucial for a seamless and enjoyable online experience.

  5. Single-Page Applications (SPAs): Tired of page refreshes? SPAs load only once, updating content dynamically for a faster and smoother user experience. They're ideal for interactive web applications and web portals.

Bonus trend: Cybersecurity at the Forefront: With rising cyber threats, website security is paramount. Secure coding practices, robust data encryption, and regular vulnerability assessments are essential to protect user data and maintain website integrity.

Remember, continuous learning and adaptation are the key to success in the dynamic world of web development.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Is it difficult to become a web developer? 

Like everything else, the difficulty of something is dependent on how passionate and flexible you are. There are specific responsibilities associated with becoming a web developer. It can be an extremely fulfilling job if you're sincerely interested in learning more and developing your career as a web developer.

As there are so many technologies to learn, getting derailed is highly probable. But, "There is a shorter and more direct route.": joining a web developer course with an industry-vetted curriculum that's regularly updated. Moreover, online ed-tech platforms like OdinSchool helps you with placements too.

Can I become a web developer?

Yes, you can. In fact, anybody can become a web developer provided the right web development skills are acquired, as described in the blog above. 


What’s the starting salary for a web developer?

The average entry-level web developer’s salary in India is ₹232,074. However, the salary can change based on location, skillset, and job role.

Can web developers work remotely?

Yes, web developers can work from home. Web development is a highly sought-after field, and its compatibility with remote work is a major advantage. This flexibility creates more opportunities for aspiring coders to work as freelancers, even without formal degrees.

How to Improve a Web Developer's Salary?

  1. Skill Enhancement: Continuously upgrade your skills in high-demand technologies like JavaScript frameworks, React, or Angular. Proficiency in these areas often commands higher pay.
  2. Certifications: Pursue relevant certifications, such as those in web development frameworks. Certified developers can earn up to 20% more than their non-certified counterparts.
  3. Experience: As you gain experience, your earning potential increases significantly. Aim for senior developer positions with over five years of experience to secure higher salaries.
  4. Negotiation: Be confident in salary negotiations. Research industry web development salary in India standards and leverage your skills and certifications during discussions.
  5. Freelancing: Explore freelance opportunities where you can set your rates and earn more based on the projects you take on.
  6. Geographical Relocation: Consider moving to cities or regions with higher average salaries for web developers.

Why are Web Developers Paid So Much?

There are several reasons why web developers in India earn high salaries, and they can be summarized into four compelling factors.

  1. High Demand: Web development is in high demand globally, and the COVID-19 pandemic has further accelerated the need for digital experiences. This increased demand for web developers, creating a higher demand for talent, giving them the advantage in salary negotiations.
  2. Skillset: Web development requires a diverse skill set, and while anyone can learn to code, becoming a proficient web developer takes dedication. Web developers master multiple coding languages and employ various techniques like testing, debugging, and technical SEO to create exceptional digital experiences.
  3. Responsibilities: Web developers have multifaceted roles that extend beyond website creation. They need to balance client or company requirements with user experience and collaborate with designers and stakeholders. Their responsibilities also include continuously optimizing digital products and resolving complex issues.
  4. Specializations: Many web developers choose to specialize in specific areas such as frontend or backend development, JavaScript frameworks, or DevOps. These specializations enhance their value in the job market, leading to higher salaries.

These factors contribute to the high salaries commanded by web developers.



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About the Author

Mechanical engineer turned wordsmith, Pratyusha, holds an MSIT from IIIT, seamlessly blending technical prowess with creative flair in her content writing. By day, she navigates complex topics with precision; by night, she's a mom on a mission, juggling bedtime stories and brainstorming sessions with equal delight.

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