Angular Directive Introduction

Angular Directive Introduction



Lesson 1: Understanding Angular Directives

Definition and Overview

Angular, a robust and widely-used web application framework, introduces a powerful concept known as directives. These directives are an essential building block for creating dynamic and interactive user interfaces. In a nutshell, directives are markers on a DOM element that tell Angular to attach a specified behavior to that DOM element or transform it.

Key Points:

- Directives act as extended HTML attributes with the prefix "ng-" (e.g., ng-model, ng-show).

- They enhance the functionality of HTML elements, making them more dynamic and responsive.

- Angular comes with a set of built-in directives and allows developers to create custom directives.

Importance in Building Dynamic Web Applications

Directives play a pivotal role in the Angular framework, contributing to the creation of dynamic and responsive web applications. Here's why they are crucial:

  1. Declarative Programming:

   - Directives enable a declarative style of programming, allowing developers to describe the desired outcome without specifying the step-by-step process.

  1. Code Reusability:

   - Through directives, developers can encapsulate specific functionalities and reuse them across different parts of their application, promoting modular and maintainable code.

  1. Enhanced Readability:

   - Using directives results in more readable HTML templates. They abstract complex logic, making the codebase cleaner and more comprehensible.

  1. Integration with Business Logic:

   - Developers can seamlessly integrate directives with their business logic, enabling a smoother connection between the presentation layer and underlying data.


<!-- ng-show directive dynamically displays the element based on a condition -->

<button ng-show="userIsLoggedIn">Logout</button>


Lesson 2: Angular Directives in the Indian Context

Relevance and Applications of Directives

In the Indian web development landscape, Angular directives are highly relevant and find extensive applications. Understanding their significance opens up various opportunities for early working professionals and students entering the field.

  1. Creating Engaging User Interfaces:

   - Angular directives are instrumental in building engaging and user-friendly interfaces, a crucial aspect for the success of web applications in the Indian market.

  1. Efficient Data Binding:

   - Indian web developers often deal with data-intensive applications. Angular directives facilitate two-way data binding, ensuring a seamless connection between the user interface and the underlying data.

  1. Adaptation to Diverse Devices:

   - With the surge in mobile and tablet usage in India, responsive web design is imperative. Directives, such as ngIf and ngSwitch, enable developers to create adaptive user interfaces that cater to various devices.

  1. Career Opportunities:

   - Proficiency in Angular directives enhances the employability of web developers in India. Many Indian companies actively seek professionals well-versed in Angular for their web development projects.

Opportunities for Early Professionals and Students

For early professionals and students venturing into web development, mastering Angular directives opens doors to a spectrum of opportunities.

  1. Web Development Roles:

   - Positions as front-end developers, UI/UX designers, and Angular developers become more accessible with a strong understanding of directives.

  1. Freelancing and Project Work:

   - Students can take up freelancing opportunities or work on real-world projects using Angular directives, showcasing their skills to potential clients or employers.

  1. Skill Enhancement for Existing Developers:

   - Professionals already in the field can enhance their skills by delving into Angular directives, staying competitive and relevant in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

  1. Contribution to Open Source Projects:

   - Angular is an open-source framework, and active contributions can be made by developers to enhance and improve directives, establishing a solid presence in the global developer community.


<!-- ng-repeat directive iterates over a collection, a common scenario in Indian e-commerce websites -->

<div ng-repeat="product in productList">





In conclusion, understanding Angular directives is not just about mastering a framework; it's about empowering oneself to create web applications that resonate with users. For early working professionals and students in India, this knowledge becomes a valuable asset, providing a competitive edge and unlocking a world of opportunities in the dynamic field of web development. As we progress through this tutorial series, we will delve deeper into custom directives, advanced use cases, and best practices, ensuring that you are well-equipped to navigate the exciting world of Angular development. Stay tuned for an enriching journey ahead!


Lesson 3: Introduction to Built-in Directives

Overview of Commonly Used Built-in Directives in Angular

Angular, a robust front-end framework, provides a set of powerful built-in directives that simplify the process of building dynamic and interactive web applications. These directives are instrumental in manipulating the Document Object Model (DOM) to achieve specific functionalities. Let's delve into some of the commonly used built-in directives in Angular:

  1. ngIf:

   - Definition: `ngIf` is a structural directive used for conditional rendering.

   - Application: It allows you to conditionally display or hide elements based on a given expression.


   <!-- Display a message only if the user is logged in -->

<div ngIf="isLoggedIn">Welcome, User!</div>

  1. ngFor:

   - Definition: `ngFor` is a structural directive employed for iterating over lists.

   - Application: It facilitates the dynamic generation of HTML elements for each item in an array.


  <!-- Render a list of books dynamically -->


  <li ngFor="let book of books"></li>


  1. ngSwitch:

   - Definition: `ngSwitch` is a structural directive used for conditional rendering based on multiple conditions.

   - Application: It simplifies complex conditional logic by providing a cleaner and more readable structure.


  <!-- Display different messages based on the value of status -->

<div [ngSwitch]="status">

  <div ngSwitchCase="'active'">User is Active</div>

  <div ngSwitchCase="'inactive'">User is Inactive</div>

  <div ngSwitchDefault>User Status Unknown</div>



Lesson 4: Mastering ngIf and ngFor

In this lesson, we will dive deeper into two of the most fundamental and widely used built-in directives in Angular: `ngIf` and `ngFor`.

Practical Examples with ngIf

Conditional Rendering Made Simple: The `ngIf` directive is a game-changer when it comes to conditionally rendering elements based on specific criteria. Let's explore some practical examples:

Example 1: Displaying User Information

Consider a scenario where you want to display user information only if the user is logged in. The `ngIf` directive makes this a breeze:

<div ngIf="isLoggedIn">

  <h2>Welcome, !</h2>

  <p>Email: </p>


In this example, the user information will only be displayed if the `isLoggedIn` variable is `true`.

Example 2: Handling Empty States

Dealing with empty states in your application? `ngIf` comes to the rescue. You can conditionally show a message when a list is empty:

<div ngIf="books.length === 0">

  <p>No books available. Check back later!</p>


<ul ngIf="books.length > 0">

  <li ngFor="let book of books"></li>


Here, the message is displayed only if the `books` array is empty.

 Utilizing ngFor for Efficient Iteration

 Dynamic List Rendering: The `ngFor` directive is a powerhouse for rendering lists dynamically. Let's explore its capabilities through real-world examples:

Example 1: Displaying a List of Products


  <li ngFor="let product of products">

     - ₹



This snippet dynamically generates list items for each product in the `products` array.

Example 2: Iterating Over Nested Data

Sometimes, your data might be nested. With `ngFor`, you can handle this seamlessly. Let's say you have a list of categories, each containing an array of products:

<div ngFor="let category of categories">



    <li ngFor="let product of category.products">

       - ₹




In this example, `ngFor` iterates over both the categories and the products within each category.

Applications in Real-world Scenarios Relevant to Indian Developers

Understanding the practical applications of these directives is crucial for Indian developers working on diverse web development projects.

Example: Dynamic Filtering in E-commerce Apps

Consider an e-commerce platform where products are listed based on user preferences and filters. The combination of `ngIf` and `ngFor` allows developers to dynamically display products while applying filters:

<div ngFor="let product of filteredProducts">




Here, `ngFor` iterates over the filtered products, and `ngIf` ensures that only relevant products are displayed.

Example: Conditional Styling in Financial Dashboards

In financial dashboards, you might want to highlight positive and negative values differently. The `ngIf` directive enables conditional styling based on the data:

<span ngFor="let transaction of transactions" [ngStyle]="{'color': transaction.amount > 0 ? 'green' : 'red'}">

   - ₹


This example showcases dynamic styling using `ngStyle` within the context of `ngFor`.

In conclusion, mastering the `ngIf` and `ngFor` directives is foundational for building dynamic and responsive Angular applications. The practical examples provided demonstrate their versatility and applicability to real-world scenarios, making them invaluable tools for early professionals and students entering the dynamic field of web development in India. Stay tuned for more lessons as we explore additional built-in directives and advanced Angular concepts.


Lesson 5: Leveraging ngStyle

Understanding the ngStyle Directive

In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, aesthetics play a crucial role in enhancing user experience. Angular provides powerful directives like `ngStyle` to dynamically manage styles based on specific conditions, offering a seamless way to create visually appealing and responsive web applications.

What is `ngStyle`?

The `ngStyle` directive in Angular allows developers to set inline styles for HTML elements dynamically. Unlike static styles, which are defined in a stylesheet, `ngStyle` enables the modification of styles based on variables or conditions.

Applying Dynamic Styles to Elements Based on Conditions

Basic Implementation of `ngStyle`

Let's start with a basic example to grasp the fundamental usage of `ngStyle`. Assume you have a button, and you want to change its background color based on a boolean variable, say `isPrimary`.

<button [ngStyle]="{'background-color': isPrimary ? 'blue' : 'gray'}">Click me</button>

In this example, when `isPrimary` is `true`, the background color of the button changes to blue; otherwise, it becomes gray.

Dynamic Font Size

Another scenario involves adjusting font size dynamically. Consider a situation where you want to increase the font size if a user's interaction count exceeds a certain threshold:

<p [ngStyle]="{'font-size': interactionCount > 10 ? '18px' : '14px'}">

  Welcome! You've interacted times.


Here, the font size increases if the `interactionCount` is greater than 10.


Lesson 6: Dynamic Styling with ngClass

Exploring ngClass for Responsive Styling

While `ngStyle` is excellent for modifying individual style properties, Angular provides another directive, `ngClass`, for a more organized approach to dynamic styling. `ngClass` allows you to add or remove CSS classes based on conditions.

What is `ngClass`?

`ngClass` is a directive that binds or removes one or more CSS classes to an HTML element dynamically.

 Examples of Responsive Styling using ngClass in an Indian Web Development Context

 Dark Mode Toggle

Imagine implementing a dark mode toggle for your web application. With `ngClass`, you can toggle between dark and light themes by applying different CSS classes:

<div [ngClass]="{'dark-theme': isDarkMode, 'light-theme': !isDarkMode}">

  <!-- Content goes here -->


In this example, the class `dark-theme` is applied when `isDarkMode` is `true`, and `light-theme` is applied when it's `false`. This can significantly enhance user experience, especially during nighttime usage.

User Role-based Styling

In many applications, user roles dictate the level of access or functionality. Using `ngClass`, you can dynamically style elements based on the user's role:

<button [ngClass]="{'admin-btn': isAdmin, 'user-btn': !isAdmin}">Perform Action</button>

Here, if the user is an admin (`isAdmin` is `true`), the button gets styled as an admin button; otherwise, it's styled as a user button.


Real-world Applications in an Indian Web Development Context

Customizing Styling Based on Regional Preferences

India's diverse culture often requires web developers to tailor applications to regional preferences. Utilizing `ngStyle` and `ngClass` allows for dynamic adjustments based on user preferences or cultural contexts.

Responsive Styling for Multilingual Support

In a multilingual country like India, web applications may need to adapt to different languages. `ngStyle` and `ngClass` can be instrumental in dynamically adjusting styles to accommodate variations in content length or script direction.


In this module, we explored the powerful world of dynamic styling in Angular through `ngStyle` and `ngClass`. These directives provide a flexible and efficient way to make your web applications visually appealing and responsive. As early professionals and students entering the realm of web development in India, mastering these directives will undoubtedly enhance your ability to create user-friendly and culturally relevant interfaces. Stay tuned for more insights and practical tips as we delve deeper into Angular's capabilities. Happy coding!


Lesson 7: Introduction to Attribute Directives

Definition and Significance of Attribute Directives

In Angular, directives are a powerful feature that allows developers to extend the capabilities of HTML elements. Attribute directives, specifically, are a type of directive that changes the appearance or behavior of an element. Unlike structural directives that alter the structure of the DOM, attribute directives focus on modifying individual elements.

Why Attribute Directives?

Attribute directives are instrumental in enhancing the presentation and interactivity of web applications. They provide a clean and modular way to manipulate the appearance and behaviour of elements, contributing to the overall dynamic nature of Angular applications.

Distinction Between Attribute and Structural Directives

Understanding the difference between attribute and structural directives is crucial for effective directive usage in Angular.

Attribute Directives:

  - Operate on the element they are attached to.

  - Change the appearance or behavior of an element.

  - Applied using attributes, hence the name.

Structural Directives:

  - Affect the structure of the DOM.

  - Alter the layout by adding, removing, or manipulating elements.

  - Applied using a structural directive keyword like `ngFor` or `ngIf`.

Knowing when to use attribute directives adds a layer of precision to your Angular development skills.


Lesson 8: Building a Custom Directive

Step-by-Step Guide on Creating a Custom Attribute Directive

Creating custom attribute directives empowers developers to tailor their applications to specific requirements. Let's walk through the process of building a custom directive that changes the background color of an element.

Step 1: Directive Setup

Start by using the Angular CLI to generate a new directive. Open your terminal and run the following command:

ng generate directive changeColor

This generates the necessary files for your custom directive, including the directive class file (`change-color.directive.ts`).

Step 2: Directive Implementation

Open the `change-color.directive.ts` file, and you'll find a basic directive structure. Modify it to look like the following:

import { Directive, ElementRef, OnInit } from '@angular/core';


  selector: '[appChangeColor]'


export class ChangeColorDirective implements OnInit {

  constructor(private el: ElementRef) {}

  ngOnInit(): void {

    // Implement your directive logic here



In this example, we've named our directive `ChangeColorDirective` and set the selector to `appChangeColor`, which means we can apply this directive using the attribute `appChangeColor` on HTML elements.

Step 3: Adding Directive Logic

Now, let's add logic to change the background color of the element. Update the `ngOnInit` method in the `ChangeColorDirective` class:

ngOnInit(): void { = 'lightblue';


This sets the background color to light blue when the directive is applied.

Step 4: Applying the Directive

To apply your custom directive, go to your component HTML file and add the attribute `appChangeColor` to an element:

<div appChangeColor>

  This background color is changed by our custom directive!


 Practical Example: Creating a Directive to Change the Background Color

Let's apply the custom directive in a real-world scenario. Consider a scenario where you want to highlight certain elements, like important notifications, with a different background color.

HTML Component

<div ngFor="let notification of notifications" appChangeColor>



Component TypeScript

import { Component } from '@angular/core';


  selector: 'app-notification',

  template: `

    <div ngFor="let notification of notifications" appChangeColor>




  styles: [`

    div {

      margin: 10px;

      padding: 10px;

      border: 1px solid ccc;




export class NotificationComponent {

  notifications = [

    { message: 'New message received', type: 'info' },

    { message: 'Action required', type: 'warning' },

    { message: 'Task completed', type: 'success' }



This example demonstrates the flexibility of attribute directives. You can easily apply your custom directive to enhance the visual representation of notifications or any other elements.


Attribute directives are a fundamental aspect of Angular development, providing a means to customize the appearance and behavior of individual elements. As early professionals and students in the dynamic field of web development, mastering the creation and application of custom attribute directives adds a valuable skill to your toolkit. Experiment with different scenarios, and discover the limitless possibilities that attribute directives bring to your Angular projects. Happy coding!