Basics of Angular

Basics of Angular



Lesson 1: Introduction to Angular

Angular is a powerful and widely used open-source framework for building client-side web applications. It is maintained by Google and provides a comprehensive set of tools and libraries for developing dynamic and responsive web applications. Let's delve into the fundamental concepts of Angular to understand its significance in modern web development.

Definition and Overview of Angular

Angular is a TypeScript-based framework that facilitates the development of single-page applications (SPAs). It uses a modular and component-based architecture, making it easy to manage and scale large applications. Angular follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern, promoting a clean separation of concerns in application development.

Angular's key components include:

- Components: Reusable building blocks that encapsulate the application's logic and UI.

- Directives: Special markers in the DOM that tell Angular to attach behavior to a particular element.

- Services: Reusable services for encapsulating application logic, often used for data retrieval or sharing data between components.

Importance in Data Management

Angular's data binding and dependency injection mechanisms are pivotal for effective data management. Data binding ensures that the UI is always in sync with the underlying data model, reducing boilerplate code and enhancing maintainability. Dependency injection enables the creation and management of application components, promoting modularity and testability.

In the context of data management, Angular provides a seamless way to handle asynchronous operations, making it easy to fetch and display data from various sources. Its two-way data binding simplifies the process of capturing and updating user input, creating a smooth and interactive user experience.


Lesson 2: Angular in the Indian Business Context

Angular's relevance extends beyond international boundaries, finding significant applications in the Indian business environment. Let's explore how Angular is shaping the landscape of web development in India and the opportunities it presents for early working professionals and students.

 Relevance and Applications in the Indian Business Environment

  1. E-commerce Platforms: Many Indian e-commerce giants leverage Angular to build fast and responsive user interfaces. Angular's modular architecture allows developers to create scalable and feature-rich online shopping experiences.
  1. Enterprise Applications: Large enterprises in India use Angular to develop robust and maintainable enterprise-level applications. Its ability to handle complex data structures and interactions makes it suitable for diverse business needs.
  1. Startups and Innovation: Angular's flexibility makes it a popular choice among startups in India. Its comprehensive set of tools accelerates development cycles, allowing startups to innovate rapidly and bring products to market faster.

 Opportunities for Early Working Professionals and Students

  1. High Demand in the Job Market: Companies across India actively seek professionals with Angular expertise. Learning Angular opens up opportunities for roles such as front-end developer, Angular developer, and UI/UX developer.
  1. Freelancing and Remote Work: Angular developers often have the flexibility to work as freelancers or remotely. This is particularly advantageous for early professionals looking for diverse work arrangements.
  1. Collaboration with Global Teams: As Angular is an internationally recognized framework, professionals in India have the opportunity to collaborate with global development teams. This exposure enhances their skill set and opens doors to international career paths.

In the next lesson, we'll dive into the intricacies of Angular's core concepts, exploring data binding, event binding, and the foundations of creating dynamic web applications. Stay tuned for an enriching journey into the heart of Angular development.


Lesson 3: Understanding Angular Components

Overview and Role of Components in Angular

Angular's strength lies in its component-based architecture. Components are the building blocks of an Angular application, encapsulating both the UI and the application logic. Understanding the role of components is crucial for anyone venturing into Angular development.

Key Points:

- Reusability: Components are designed to be reusable, promoting modularity and maintainability in Angular applications.

- Encapsulation: Each component operates in isolation, encapsulating its own logic and UI. This isolation ensures that changes in one component do not adversely affect others.

- Hierarchical Structure: Angular applications are hierarchically structured with a main component, usually called the "App Component," containing other components.

Creating and Structuring Angular Components

Let's walk through the process of creating a simple Angular component. We'll create a "User" component to display user information.

  1. Create the Component:


    ng generate component user


  1. Component Structure (`user.component.ts`):


    import { Component } from '@angular/core';


      selector: 'app-user',

      templateUrl: './user.component.html',

      styleUrls: ['./user.component.css']


    export class UserComponent {

      // Component logic and properties go here



  1. Component Template (`user.component.html`):



      <h2>User Information</h2>

      <!-- Display user details here -->



  1. Using the Component (`app.component.html`):




With these steps, you've successfully created and integrated an Angular component into your application. This hierarchical structure allows for the development of complex applications by composing smaller, manageable components.


Lesson 4: Exploring Data Binding in Angular

Data binding is a powerful feature in Angular that facilitates the communication between a component and its template. There are three main types of data binding in Angular: string interpolation, property binding, and event binding.

String Interpolation

String interpolation allows you to embed expressions within double curly braces in your template. These expressions are then evaluated and the result is converted to a string.



// Inside the component class

userName: string = 'John';

// In the component template

<h2>Welcome, !</h2>


 Property Binding

Property binding allows you to set the value of an HTML element property from the component. It is achieved using square brackets.



// Inside the component class

imagePath: string = 'path/to/image.jpg';

// In the component template

<img [src]="imagePath" alt="Angular Logo">


 Event Binding

Event binding allows you to respond to user actions such as clicks, keystrokes, or mouse movements. It is achieved using parentheses.



// Inside the component class

onButtonClick() {

  console.log('Button clicked!');


// In the component template

<button (click)="onButtonClick()">Click me</button>


Lesson 5: Practical Application of Data Binding

Using Data Binding in Real-world Scenarios

Let's explore practical scenarios where data binding plays a crucial role.

  1. User Input Example:


    // Inside the component class

    userInput: string = '';

    // In the component template

    <input [(ngModel)]="userInput" placeholder="Type here">

    <p>You typed: </p>


    Here, `[(ngModel)]` is an example of two-way data binding, where changes in the input field are reflected in the component property and vice versa.

  1. Dynamic Content Example:


    // Inside the component class

    isContentVisible: boolean = true;

    // In the component template

    <div ngIf="isContentVisible">

      <p>Dynamic content visible!</p>



    Here, `ngIf` is a structural directive that conditionally renders the content based on the value of `isContentVisible`.

In these examples, data binding enhances the interactivity and responsiveness of the application. As early professionals and students, mastering data binding is crucial for building dynamic and user-friendly Angular applications.

In the upcoming lessons, we'll delve deeper into advanced Angular concepts, exploring routing, services, and optimization techniques. Stay tuned for a comprehensive journey into mastering Angular!


Lesson 6: Introduction to Angular Routing

Overview of Routing in Angular

In the realm of single-page applications (SPAs), efficient navigation is a key aspect of creating a seamless user experience. Angular provides a powerful routing mechanism that enables developers to build SPAs with multiple views. Let's delve into the fundamentals of Angular routing.

What is Routing?

Routing is the process of navigating between different components or views in an Angular application. In traditional multi-page applications, clicking a link typically triggers a full page reload. However, in SPAs, routing allows us to update the content of a page dynamically without reloading the entire application.

Setting Up and Configuring Routes:

Angular's routing is configured using the `RouterModule`. Here are the steps to set up and configure routes:

  1. Import the Angular Router:


   // app.module.ts

   import { RouterModule, Routes } from '@angular/router';


  1. Define Routes:

   Define an array of route objects, each specifying a path and the corresponding component to display.


   // app.module.ts

   const routes: Routes = [

     { path: 'home', component: HomeComponent },

     { path: 'about', component: AboutComponent },

     // Additional routes can be added here



  1. Configure the Router:

   Use the `forRoot()` method to configure the router with the defined routes.


   // app.module.ts


     imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes)],

     exports: [RouterModule],


   export class AppRoutingModule {}


  1. Add Router Outlet:

   In the app's template, use the `<router-outlet></router-outlet>` directive to specify where the routed component should be displayed.


   <!-- app.component.html -->



  1. Navigation Links:

   Create navigation links using the `routerLink` directive.


   <!-- app.component.html -->


     <a routerLink="/home">Home</a>

     <a routerLink="/about">About</a>



Now, navigating to `/home` or `/about` in the browser will load the corresponding components without a full page reload.

Lesson 7: Navigating Between Components

Navigating Between Components Using Angular Router

Once the basic routing setup is in place, navigating between components becomes a seamless process. Angular Router provides various features for efficient navigation.

Navigating with RouterLink:

The `routerLink` directive allows us to navigate between components by clicking on links. Let's enhance our navigation links with more features.


<!-- app.component.html -->


  <a routerLink="/home" routerLinkActive="active">Home</a>

  <a routerLink="/about" routerLinkActive="active">About</a>



- The `routerLinkActive` attribute adds the `active` class to the currently active link, allowing for styling based on the active route.

Passing Parameters and Data Between Routes:

Often, we need to pass data or parameters when navigating between components. Angular Router provides ways to achieve this.

  1. Passing Parameters:

   Define a route with a parameter placeholder in the route path.


   // app.module.ts

   const routes: Routes = [

     { path: 'user/:id', component: UserComponent },



   Access the parameter in the component using the `ActivatedRoute` service.


   // user.component.ts

   import { ActivatedRoute } from '@angular/router';

   constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute) {

     this.route.params.subscribe(params => {

       this.userId = params['id'];




  1. Passing Data:

   Sometimes, we may want to pass additional data between routes. This can be achieved using the `Router` service.


   // component1.component.ts

   import { Router } from '@angular/router';

   constructor(private router: Router) {}

   navigateToComponent2() {

     const data = { key: 'value' };

     this.router.navigate(['/component2'], { state: data });



   Access the data in the receiving component using the `history.state` property.


   // component2.component.ts

   constructor() {

     const data = history.state;

     console.log(data.key); // Output: value




Understanding Angular routing is fundamental for building modern web applications. It provides a way to create dynamic, interactive SPAs that enhance the user experience. As early professionals and students in India, mastering Angular's routing and navigation capabilities will empower you to create feature-rich applications. Stay tuned for advanced lessons where we'll explore more intricate aspects of Angular development!