Compute Fundamentals In AWS

Compute Fundamentals In AWS


Lesson 1: Introduction to Compute in AWS


Welcome to the first lesson of our "Fundamentals of AWS" series – an exploration into the heart of cloud computing. In this module, we will unravel the mysteries of compute resources in AWS, laying the foundation for your journey into the cloud.



The primary objectives of this lesson are to equip you with a solid understanding of compute resources and introduce you to the various compute services AWS offers.


 1. Overview of Compute in AWS:

 - Definition of Compute Resources:

In AWS, compute resources refer to the virtualized servers that run your applications. These resources can be dynamically scaled to handle varying workloads.


 Importance of Scalable and Flexible Compute Solutions:

AWS provides scalable compute solutions that allow you to increase or decrease resources based on demand. This flexibility is crucial for optimizing costs and ensuring optimal performance.


 2. AWS Compute Services:

 - Introduction to EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud):

Amazon EC2 is one of the foundational services in AWS, offering resizable compute capacity in the cloud. It enables you to run virtual servers, known as instances, to host your applications.


 Overview of Other Compute Services:

Beyond EC2, AWS provides a spectrum of compute services. AWS Lambda allows you to run code without provisioning or managing servers. AWS Elastic Beanstalk simplifies the deployment of applications by automatically handling the deployment details.


 3. Key Concepts:


Instances, Amazon Machine Images (AMIs), Regions, Availability Zones:

  • Instances: Virtual servers in the cloud.
  • AMIs: Templates for instances, containing the necessary information to launch an instance.
  • Regions: Geographical areas containing multiple data centers.
  • Availability Zones: Unique, physically separated locations within a region to provide fault tolerance.


 4. Use Cases:

 Real-World Scenarios:

Consider scenarios like hosting a website, running a machine learning model, or handling sudden traffic spikes. AWS compute services are versatile and can cater to diverse use cases.


 Benefits of Using AWS Compute Services:

- Scalability: Easily scale up or down based on demand.

- Cost Optimization: Pay only for the resources you consume.

- Global Reach: Deploy applications globally using AWS's extensive network of data centers.


Let's dive into a practical example to solidify our understanding. Imagine you want to launch a web application. Instead of investing in physical servers, you can use EC2 instances. These instances can be easily scaled to accommodate varying user loads. AWS's global infrastructure ensures low-latency access for users across the globe.


# Launching an EC2 instance using AWS CLI

aws ec2 run-instances --image-id ami-0c55b159cbfafe1f0 --count 1 --instance-type t2.micro --key-name MyKeyPair


In this example, we are using the AWS CLI to launch a single EC2 instance with a specified Amazon Machine Image (AMI), instance type, and key pair.

In conclusion, this lesson lays the groundwork for understanding the fundamental concepts of compute in AWS. As we progress through the modules, you'll gain hands-on experience and witness the power of AWS compute services in action. Stay tuned for more insights into the world of cloud computing!