Class Objects in Java

Class Objects in Java

Lesson 5: Class Object


Introduction to Classes and Objects in Java

Classes and objects form the essence of Java's object-oriented paradigm. A class in Java can be thought of as a blueprint from which individual objects are created. It encapsulates data for the object in attributes and ways to manipulate that data through methods.


  1. Attributes (State): Attributes are variables within a class that define the properties of an object.
  2. Methods (Behavior): Methods are functions defined inside a class that operates on the attributes and perform actions.


 Understanding Class Syntax


A class is defined using the `class` keyword followed by the class name and a class body enclosed in curly braces `{ }`. Here's a simple illustration:



public class ClassName {

    // attributes

    int attribute1;

    String attribute2;


    // methods

    void method1() {

        // method body



    void method2() {

        // method body





 Example: Defining a Dog Class


To put theory into practice, let's define a `Dog` class representing a dog with attributes like breed, age, and color, and methods to simulate actions:



public class Dog {

    String breed;

    int age;

    String color;


    void barking() {

        System.out.println("The dog barks");



    void hungry() {

        System.out.println("The dog is hungry");



    void sleeping() {

        System.out.println("The dog is sleeping");





In this example, `breed`, `age`, and `color` are attributes that store the state of a `Dog` object. The methods `barking()`, `hungry()`, and `sleeping()` define its behavior.


Real-World Application

Understanding how to define and utilize classes and objects is fundamental for Java programmers. It allows for modeling real-world entities in software applications, facilitating code reuse, and promoting modular design. For instance, in a veterinary system, a `Dog` class could be used to manage dog-related data and operations, making the software easier to maintain and extend.


Lesson 6: Sample Java Program


Instantiating and Using Objects

Once a class is defined, you can create objects from it, which are instances of the class. Object instantiation is the process of creating an actual object in memory based on the class blueprint.


 Syntax for Object Creation


The general syntax for creating an object is:



ClassName objectName = new ClassName();



 Example: Creating and Using a Dog Object


Let's create an object named `myDog` from the `Dog` class defined earlier and use its attributes and methods:



public class TestDog {

    public static void main(String args[]) {

        // Creating a Dog object

        Dog myDog = new Dog();


        // Assigning values to myDog's attributes

        myDog.breed = "Golden Retriever";

        myDog.age = 5;

        myDog.color = "golden";


        // Calling myDog's methods








This program demonstrates how to instantiate a `Dog` object, assign values to its attributes, and invoke its methods. It shows the power of object-oriented programming by encapsulating state and behavior within objects.


Importance in Software Development

Creating and manipulating objects is a core skill in Java programming, enabling developers to build scalable and maintainable codebases. Objects help in organizing code around real-world concepts, making programs more intuitive to design and understand.

Lesson 7: Scanner Class


Introduction to the Scanner Class

The `Scanner` class, part of the `java.util` package, is a powerful tool for reading input from various sources, including user input from the console, which is crucial for interactive Java applications.


Basics of Using Scanner

To use the `Scanner` class, you must import it from the `java.util` package. Then, you can create a `Scanner` object to read different types of data - strings, integers, doubles, etc., from the console.


Syntax for Scanner



import java.util.Scanner;


Scanner myScanner = new Scanner(;


Example: Reading User Input

Here's how you can use `Scanner` to prompt the user for a string input and display it:



import java.util.Scanner;


public class GetInputFromUser {

    public static void main(String args[]) {

        // Create a Scanner object

        Scanner in = new Scanner(;


        System.out.println("Enter a string:");

        String userString = in