Introduction To Node.Js

Introduction To Node.Js


Lesson 25: Node.js Introduction



Introduction Node.js as a runtime environment for server-side applications.


Node.js has transformed server-side development with its event-driven, non-blocking I/O model. Let's delve into its core aspects:


 Overview of Node.js and its features

- Node.js: A JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine, enabling the execution of JavaScript code outside the browser.

- Features: Offers a single-threaded, event-driven architecture that excels in handling asynchronous operations.


 Asynchronous nature of Node.js

- Non-blocking I/O: Allows Node.js to handle concurrent requests without getting blocked, enhancing scalability and performance.

- Callback-based: Relies on callbacks to handle asynchronous operations, ensuring smooth execution of tasks.


 Use cases and applications of Node.js

- Real-time applications: Ideal for building chat applications, gaming servers, and real-time collaboration tools due to its event-driven nature.

- API development: Well-suited for building RESTful APIs and microservices.

- Server-side rendering: Powers server-side rendering in frameworks like Next.js for React.

 Lesson 26: Node.js Setup & Installation



Guide students through installing and setting up the Node.js environment.


 Installation process for different operating systems

- Windows: Download and run the Windows installer from the Node.js website.

- MacOS: Use Homebrew, NVM (Node Version Manager), or download the installer from the Node.js website.

- Linux: Utilize package managers like apt or install via NVM.


 Node Package Manager (npm) and its usage

- npm: Node Package Manager comes bundled with Node.js, managing project dependencies, and facilitating package installation.

- Commands: Use commands like `npm install`, `npm start`, `npm run`, etc., to manage dependencies and run scripts.


 Basic commands and package management using npm

- Dependency installation: `npm install package-name` to install dependencies.

- Running scripts: Define custom scripts in `package.json` and execute them using `npm run script-name`.

 Lesson 27: About Npm & Package.json File



Understand npm and the package.json file in Node.js projects.


 Managing dependencies with npm

- Dependency installation: `npm install package-name` adds dependencies to the project.

- Package-lock.json: Automatically generated to lock dependency versions for consistency across environments.


 Scripts and configuration in package.json

- Scripts: Define custom scripts (e.g., start, build) in `package.json` to automate tasks.

- Configuration: Specify project metadata, dependencies, and settings in `package.json`.


 Semantic versioning and npm best practices

- Semantic versioning: Follow the `major.minor.patch` versioning convention to manage package versions effectively.

- Best practices: Use descriptive package names, maintain updated dependencies, and document usage instructions.

 Lesson 28: Modules



Explore modules in Node.js and their role in code organization.


 Creating and exporting modules

- Module creation: Encapsulate functionality into modules using `module.exports` or ES6 `export`.

- Example:


  // math.js

  const add = (a, b) => a + b;

  const subtract = (a, b) => a - b;


  module.exports = { add, subtract };



 Importing modules in Node.js

- Module import: Use `require()` to import modules or ES6 `import` syntax (with Babel support).

- Example:


  // app.js

  const { add, subtract } = require('./math');

  console.log(add(5, 3)); // Output: 8

  console.log(subtract(5, 3)); // Output: 2



 Core modules vs third-party modules

- Core modules: Modules built into Node.js, such as `fs`, `http`, `path`, accessible without installation.

- Third-party modules: External modules from npm, expanding Node.js capabilities (express, lodash, etc.).


Understanding Node.js fundamentals, package management with npm, and module organization empowers developers to build scalable, efficient, and organized server-side applications.