Dynamic UI In React

Dynamic UI In React


Lesson 9: Conditional Rendering


Conditional rendering is a fundamental concept in React JS that allows you to control the display of components based on certain conditions. This powerful feature enhances the user experience by showing or hiding content dynamically. Let's delve into the details:


 What is Conditional Rendering?

Conditional rendering involves displaying different components or UI elements based on specific conditions. It enables developers to create dynamic and responsive applications that adapt to user interactions.


 Key Concepts:


- if Statements in JSX:

  Conditional rendering often utilizes the `if` statement within JSX to determine whether a component should be displayed or not.



  function ConditionalComponent({ isLoggedIn }) {

    if (isLoggedIn) {

      return <WelcomeMessage />;

    } else {

      return <LoginPrompt />;





- Logical && Operator:

  The logical AND (`&&`) operator is a concise way to conditionally render content. The component is rendered only if the condition is true.



  function Greeting({ isLoggedIn }) {

    return isLoggedIn && <WelcomeMessage />;



 Best Practices:


- Avoiding Unnecessary Renders:

  Use conditional rendering judiciously to prevent unnecessary renders. Identify critical conditions to optimize performance.


- Dynamic UI Elements:

  Leverage conditional rendering to dynamically display UI elements based on user input, authentication status, or any other relevant factors.


 Lesson 10: Rendering with Ternary & Switch


Lesson 10 delves into two popular techniques for conditional rendering: Ternary operators and Switch statements. These methods offer cleaner and more expressive ways to handle conditions in your React components.


 Ternary Operators:

Ternary operators provide a concise syntax for conditionally rendering components in a single line. They are particularly useful for simple conditions.



function Greeting({ isLoggedIn }) {

  return isLoggedIn ? <WelcomeMessage /> : <LoginPrompt />;



 Switch Statements:

Switch statements are advantageous when dealing with multiple conditions. They offer a cleaner alternative to multiple `if-else` blocks.



function SeasonalGreeting({ season }) {

  switch (season) {

    case 'spring':

      return <SpringMessage />;

    case 'summer':

      return <SummerMessage />;

    // ... other cases


      return <DefaultMessage />;







- Readability:

  Ternary operators and Switch statements enhance code readability, making it easier for developers to understand the logic at a glance.


- Maintainability:

  These techniques simplify code maintenance, especially when dealing with numerous conditions.


 Lesson 11: List Rendering


Dynamic lists are a common requirement in React applications. Lesson 11 focuses on list rendering, allowing you to efficiently display and manage lists of data.


 Basics of List Rendering:


  Using `map()` Method:

  The `map()` method is a powerful tool for rendering lists. It iterates over an array, allowing you to create a component for each element.



  function NumberList({ numbers }) {

    return (


        {numbers.map((number) => (

          <li key={number.toString()}>{number}</li>







- Key Prop:

  When rendering lists, always provide a unique `key` prop to each element. This enhances React's performance by efficiently updating and reordering elements.


 Advanced List Rendering:


Conditional Rendering in Lists:

  Apply conditional rendering techniques within lists to display or hide elements based on specific conditions.


Dynamic Content:

  Utilize list rendering to handle dynamic content, such as user-generated lists or data fetched from an API.

 Lesson 12: Styles


Lesson 12 introduces the importance of styling in React applications. Effective styling not only enhances visual appeal but also contributes to a seamless user experience.


 Styling Approaches:


- Inline Styles:

  Apply styles directly within the component using the `style` attribute.



  function StyledComponent() {

    const style = {

      color: 'blue',

      fontSize: '16px',



    return <div style={style}>Styled Content</div>;




- CSS Modules:

  CSS Modules offer a modular approach to styling by scoping styles to specific components.



  import styles from './StyledComponent.module.css';


  function StyledComponent() {

    return <div className={styles.styledContent}>Styled Content</div>;



 Best Practices:



  Maintain a consistent styling approach across the application to ensure a cohesive and professional appearance.


  Responsive Design:

  Implement responsive design principles to cater to various screen sizes and devices.