React Basics & Props

React Basics & Props


Lesson 5: React Snippets & Props



In Lesson 5, we will explore the world of React snippets, which are short and reusable code segments, and understand the fundamentals of props in React.


 Key Topics:

1. Code Snippets for React Development:

   - Learn about snippets to boost productivity.

   - Enhance code quality and consistency.


2. Understanding Props in React:

   - Explore the role of props in passing data between components.

   - Grasp the concept of props as a mechanism for component communication.


 Practical Insights:

In this lesson, we'll provide valuable insights into using React snippets and mastering the art of handling props efficiently.


Time-saving React Snippets:

  - Present commonly used React code snippets for various tasks.

  - Illustrate how snippets can significantly reduce development time and improve code readability.


Props for Component Communication:

  - Discuss the importance of props in React component architecture.

  - Demonstrate how props enable the transfer of data from parent to child components.


 Code Example:



// React snippet: Functional component

const MyFunctionalComponent = () => <p>Simple functional component</p>;


// Props example

import React from 'react';


const Greeting = (props) => {

  return <p>Hello, {}!</p>;



export default Greeting;


In the provided code snippet, we showcase a simple functional component and a component that receives and displays a `name` prop. This illustrates how props facilitate dynamic content in components.


Lesson 6: Method as Props



Lesson 6 introduces the concept of passing methods as props, offering a powerful way for parent and child components to communicate.


 Key Topics:

1. Passing Methods as Props:

   - Understand the need for passing functions between components.

   - Explore how this mechanism enhances code modularity.


2. Parent-Child Communication:

   - Learn how passing methods as props enables communication between parent and child components.

   - Discover scenarios where this technique is beneficial.


 Practical Insights:


Beneficial Scenarios:

  - Illustrate scenarios where passing methods as props is a clean and effective approach.

  - Emphasize how it enhances the separation of concerns in your React application.


Example of Parent-Child Communication:

  - Provide a detailed example of a parent component passing a method to a child component.

  - Showcase how the child component can trigger the parent method.


 Code Example:



// Parent component

import React, { Component } from 'react';

import ChildComponent from './ChildComponent';


class ParentComponent extends Component {

  handleClick = () => {

    console.log('Button clicked!');



  render() {

    return <ChildComponent onClick={this.handleClick} />;




export default ParentComponent;



In this example, `ParentComponent` passes its `handleClick` method to `ChildComponent` as a prop, enabling the child to trigger this method on a button click.


 Lesson 7: State



Lesson 7 introduces the concept of state in React, providing a mechanism for managing component-specific data.


 Key Topics:

1. What is State?:

   - Understand the role of state in dynamic applications.

   - Explore how state facilitates the storage and manipulation of data within a component.


2. Using State in Class Components:

   - Learn how to declare and utilize state in class-based React components.

   - Understand the lifecycle of state within a component.


3. `setState` Method:

   - Explore the `setState` method for updating and modifying state.

   - Understand the asynchronous nature of state updates.


 Practical Insights:


Dynamic Applications:

  - Demonstrate the necessity of state in applications with dynamic content and user interactions.

  - Showcase scenarios where state management becomes crucial.


Implementing Simple State Management:

  - Walk through a practical example of a class component with state.

  - Illustrate how state can be initialized and displayed within the component.


 Code Example:



// Class component with state

import React, { Component } from 'react';


class Counter extends Component {

  constructor(props) {


    this.state = { count: 0 };



  render() {

    return (


        <p>Count: {this.state.count}</p>






export default Counter;



In this example, `Counter` is a class component with an internal state (`count`). The state is initialized in the constructor and displayed in the component's render method.

 Lesson 8: State Management




Lesson 8 explores various state management techniques in React, including lifting state up and leveraging external state management libraries.


 Key Topics:

1. Lifting State Up:

   - Understand the concept of lifting state up to a common ancestor component.

   - Explore how this approach enhances communication between sibling components.


2. External State Management Libraries (e.g., Redux):

   - Introduce the idea of using external libraries for global state management.

   - Discuss the benefits and scenarios where Redux can be advantageous.


 Practical Insights:


Lifting State Up Scenarios:

  - Discuss scenarios where lifting state up is beneficial, especially in scenarios involving sibling components.

  - Emphasize how it avoids prop drilling.


Introduction to Redux:

  - Provide a simplified example of using Redux for state management.

  - Highlight the key concepts, such as actions, reducers, and the store.


 Code Example:



// Redux example (simplified)

// Actions, Reducer, and Store setup not shown for brevity

import { connect } from 'react-redux';


const Counter = ({ count, increment }) => {

  return (


      <p>Count: {count}</p>

      <button onClick={increment}>Increment</button>





const mapStateToProps = (state) => ({

  count: state.count,



const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => ({

  increment: () => dispatch({ type: 'INCREMENT' }),



export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(Counter);


In this simplified Redux example, `Counter` is a React component connected to the Redux store. It receives the `count` state and an `increment` method as props, showcasing the integration of external state management.