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Posts about Success Story (3):

Was Stuck at a Service Company. Now a Successful ML Engineer!

Stuck at a Service Company to a Successful Machine Learning Engineer!

After a year of extreme hard work and determination, Faviana Noronha is now a successful ML Ops engineer at Cotiviti. She is also on her way to doing a PG diploma in data science from IIIT-B.

Faviana graduated in mechanical engineering in 2019. After graduation, she joined Infosys as a system engineer, which was just before the pandemic. 

How Faviana Navigated Towards Data Science and OdinSchool?

Like most of us, just after graduation, Faviana was unsure of her career path. She just knew that...

A Success Story of Stepping Out of Comfort Zone

From Answering Calls at a BPO to a Data Analyst at TekFriday!

“You never change your life until you step out of your comfort zone; change begins at the end of your comfort zone.”

Akshata is a successful Data Analyst at TekFriday Processing Solutions Pvt Ltd ( dynamic and young company, on an aggressive growth path with a goal to put a mark on the Alternative Financial Services domain).